Pregnancy Health Myths

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Your first pregnancy is a beautiful uncertain time that includes an influx of information (both solicited and unsolicited). New moms want to remain comfortable while keeping the baby safe, but many new moms get bad information. We will cover four common pregnancy health myths and what makes them incorrect. 

Myth #1: You Should Eat For Two 

Cravings during pregnancy are normal. However, it's healthiest for the baby to monitor calorie count. Mothers with a healthy weight at the time of conception should gain 25 - 35 lbs. Weight gain starts slow but increases rapidly in the second and third trimesters. 

To maintain a healthy weight, expecting mothers should eat often but stick to healthy options, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and lean protein. With a proper diet a majority of the time, mothers can occasionally satisfy their most intense cravings without guilt. 

Myth #2: No Salon Visits 

Many pregnant women avoid the salon to avoid chemicals in hair dye and nail polish. However, in small concentrations, both hair dye and nail polish are totally safe for the baby. Home beauty treatments may provide better conditions compared to a busy salon.

Many salons also have saunas. Mothers may want to avoid the saunas to prevent increasing their body temperature too high.

Myth #3: Morning Sickness Only Happens in the Morning

Morning sickness affects roughly 70% of pregnant women during the first trimester. It's caused by increased hormone levels and usually lets up once the woman reaches the second trimester. 

Morning sickness can be misleading, as morning sickness can and will happen at any time of day. Expecting mothers should prepare by staying near bathrooms throughout the day and packing bags and extra clothes just in case. 

Myth #4: Sex Can Hurt the Baby  

Sex will get uncomfortable, especially toward the third trimester. The belly makes it difficult to find a position both partners will enjoy. Many parents also find themselves nervous about how the sex will impact the baby growing in the woman's baby. Luckily, sex will not harm the baby. At the same time, it's best to keep weight off of the stomach and stick to gentle motions. After the initial adjustment, many couples enjoy pregnant sex. 

When you have questions about your pregnancy, talk to your doctor instead of listening to the well-meaning noise around you. Base your pregnancy health decisions on medical science, and you can't go wrong. Contact pregnancy care services to learn more.
