Tips For Preparing For Your Hearing Test
If you are experiencing some difficulty hearing, then it is in your best interest to speak with an audiologist who can complete a number of hearing tests. The tests are a series of comprehensive exams that are meant to gauge your overall hearing ability. And, there are a few things that you want to do before the tests to ensure accurate results.
Do Not Listen To Loud Sounds
Loud sounds are ones that are described as above 80 decibels. These noises can affect your hearing and cause ringing sensations for days afterward. This ringing is due to the damage caused to the sensitive hair cells within the inner parts of the ear. These cells are responsible for transporting sound information from your ear to your brain, and they can be permanently damaged from long term exposure to loud noises.
Thankfully, the ringing does typically go away after a few days. However, if you have your hearing test scheduled when the ringing is present, then your test results will likely not be accurate. So, you want to stay away from loud noises.
Loud noise situations to avoid include attending concerts, listening to high volume sounds playing through your headphones, and standing near an airplane taking off from the runway. Anyplace with an extensive crowd can be quite loud as well and so can gunshots and lawnmowers
If for some reason you must be in a situation that is loud, then make sure to wear appropriate ear protection. Noise reduction earmuffs and earplugs are both good choices for this.
Clean Your Ears Properly
Your audiologist will inspect your ear canals for signs of earwax compaction. And, if there is wax that is compacted deep into the middle or inner ear canal, then the professional can remove it with a tool called an ear cleaning loop. This means you should not be trying to remove wax on your own. You should, however, clean the outer ear and just inside the ear opening. This way, loose wax can be removed so an inspection can be completed.
Do not stick a q-tip in your ear before your test though. This can cause damage to the ear canal and the eardrum. Use a wet washcloth instead and gently wipe the area of loose debris. Ear irrigation can also be helpful with warm water or baby oil. You should ask your audiologist how to irrigate though.
If you want to know more about the ways you can prepare for a hearing test, contact a clinic like Audiology Consultants, P.C.