4 Treatment Options For A Prolapsed Uterus

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If your uterus has entered your vagina, you suffer from a condition called "uterine prolapse." The degree of prolapse can vary. However, the least severe form involves the entry of only the cervix, which is the opening of your uterus, into the vaginal canal. In the most serious cases of uterine prolapse, the entire uterus has fallen out of the vagina. Uterine prolapse can occur for different reasons, such as age, childbirth or obesity. Here are some of the treatment options available if you have a prolapsed uterus:

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Special exercises called "kegels" can be used to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles so that your uterus is properly supported. To perform a kegel, squeeze your pelvic muscles as you would to restrict the flow of urine for three seconds. Then, release for three seconds. The sequence should be repeated 10 to 15 times, and you should perform a round of kegels three or more times daily.

Although kegels use the same muscles that are used to stop the flow of urine, it is best not to practice these exercises as you urinate. Bladder problems could result.

Surgical Restoration

Your doctor may suggest surgery to tighten and repair your pelvic floor muscles. In addition, if the prolapse has caused your vaginal walls or the walls of your bladder to sag, the sagging can be surgically corrected.


If you don't want to conceive any more children or if your uterus has been severely damaged by the prolapse, your ob-gyn may suggest a hysterectomy, which is the removal of your uterus. There will be a recovery period associated with your surgery. An abdominal hysterectomy may have a recovery period of six to eight weeks. However, you may recover from a vaginal hysterectomy in as little as two weeks.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

If the reason for your uterine prolapse is due to the decline in estrogen that is often associated with menopause, your doctor may prescribe medication to replace the lost hormone. The medication may be in the form of a cream or a vaginal suppository. Nevertheless, your physician is only likely to suggest a medication to restore the amount of estrogen in your body if you have already gone through menopause.

If you suffer from a prolapsed or sagging uterus, there are treatments available to repair your pelvic floor and prevent your condition from worsening. Some, such as kegel exercises, can be performed at home. Other options, such as a surgical restoration or a hysterectomy, can only be performed by a physician. To find the best treatment options for your condition, contact a clinic like Women's Healthcare of Illinois.
