Treatment Options For Varicose Veins

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Varicose veins are usually a cosmetic issue, but can sometimes cause pain and discomfort. Whether you are physically suffering from the condition or you merely do not like the look of them, you can receive treatment for varicose veins. The treatment recommended depends largely on the severity of the varicose veins.

At-Home Care

One of the first options your doctor might recommend is the use of at-home remedies. Varicose veins are often exacerbated by or develop from too much pressure on the legs. With that in mind, taking certain steps, such as elevating your legs and avoiding tight clothes, can help with the condition.

You should also avoid standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time. Compression stockings can help decrease the pressure on your legs and keep blood circulating throughout your legs. As a result, your condition will improve. 

Additional lifestyle changes, such as losing weight and avoiding high heels, can help with the symptoms of varicose veins.

Laser Therapy

Another option for treating varicose veins is laser therapy. Treatments like endogenous laser treatment work by closing off the veins in your legs. Over time, the veins will start to fade. 

Laser therapy is considered a safe option for most people because it does not require incisions or needles to be performed. There are some side effects, but they are minimal, such as bruising.

Vein Stripping

For more severe symptoms, the doctor can perform vein stripping to get rid of large veins. Vein stripping is a procedure that requires the doctor to remove a long vein. The long vein does not negatively impact the blood circulation throughout your leg. Veins that are found deeper in your leg are responsible for the flow. 

Vein stripping is usually performed on an outpatient basis. This procedure is commonly recommended after other methods of treatment are used. 

Smaller veins can also be removed using a process similar to vein stripping. Ambulatory phlebotomy removes those small veins that appear to be closer to the epidermal. This procedure is also performed on an outpatient basis and usually does not require more than local anesthesia.

Your doctor will assess your condition and determine which treatment method is best for your varicose veins. The doctor might recommend a combination of treatments to successfully eliminate the appearance of varicose veins and any negative symptoms they may have caused you. Work with your doctor to prevent your symptoms from recurring in the future. Speak with professionals like for more information.
